Contemporary Parent Accounts of Autism

See also:    Autobiography    Biographies

Internet Resources

Offers strategies, abilities and knowledge I have gained and used successfully for my child and other families.
Nicholas Fusco
This is a web site which has been written by the parents of Zoe, an autistic child, with a view to sharing as much practical knowledge as possible.
Martin and Nicki Courtney
Mostly ramblings about my son's autism and how we are grappling with that via ABA therapy, the DAN protocol, etc.
Squid D'Artagnan Rosenberg
A 6-year-old with an unusual form of autism learns to cope with confusions and irritations that most people cannot even imagine. For his mother, the first step was identifying the nature of his problem.
Through the years of this story about finding him, I discover now that my whole life is different. I feel more deeply and simply that my life is mostly about loving people.
Karen Dembroski
In a society obsessed with the mundane, he has taught his son to value his exceptionality. He calls him a black prince because he knows there will be times when some may say otherwise. He tries to inspire Jabril by discussing black leaders -- Malcolm X being his favorite. The lessons are sinking in.
Peter Bailey, Miami Herald
I have two wonderful children named Andrew and Sarah and a great husband named Chris. Andrew has ADHD and Autism, that is why I chose to add links to those two topics as well.
Children with autism neither must be ignored nor contained in the guise of a "tragedy," or even as a "blessing," though many of us parents do view our children as a special, and most precious, most perfect, gift.
Kristina Chew
Family photographs and stories, including that of an autistic son, Andy, and chronicles of the greatest challenges the state of New Jersey put us and our little boy through.
Imagine a song stuck in your head...and it never goes away. Imagine people's voices sounding so loud they're like fire engines. Imagine your soft cotton T-shirt feeling like a burlap bag.
The wolf is an amazing intelligent creature. And, they are second only to humans in their ability to adapt to their surroundings in order to survive... Wolves are normally afraid of people, and try to avoid them whenever possible.
Is it OK to mourn? Yes it is. Just as it is OK to be strong and 'accept' the autism. Either way, we should respect other parents' feelings towards autism, as we cannot all be the same.
Hi, my name is Ariel and I'm 6 years old. I was diagnosed with (PDD) Pervasive Developmental Disorder which is an autism spectrum disorder. My mommy created this webpage for me so that we can educate others about Autism.
It goes without saying that we are anxious about his future, and have lost sleep since receiving the news. But that's when we tend to fret: when he's asleep in his room and we're awake in ours. Or when we are at work and he is at daycare. Or whenever he's not around. When he is around, though, it's almost impossible to worry about him too much. You can't spend any time in the company of this kid and not think that, regardless of the diagnosis, he's going to turn out awesome.
Matthew Baldwin
Our first reactions to the realization that something was different about Katie included confusion, sadness and a burning desire for someone to tell us what to do about it. Unfortunately, no one did. Read our story to find out how we coped.
Janette Vance
As a mom, I needed to know for myself. I am also a special education teacher. As a teacher, I needed information in lay man's terms, in order to help parents out. I have learned a lot on this quest for information...
Coaches and trainers should try to realise that in the community, being allowed to take part in sports can have beneficial effects on certain individuals that are every bit as important as the success of the local teams.
Our Hope is that by openly sharing our lives we will help others obtain a better understanding of AS, resulting in earlier diagnosis, appropriate counseling, and happier lives.
This Web-Book is intended to give parents a plan for how to face your child's challenges and lead him to a lifetime of successes.
An Experienced Mother
Oliver, aged 8 has autism. Oliver's quip for today is: Is anybody listening?
Stephen Peace, Tanya Peace
Calling for the 'personalisation' of public services to break the postcode lottery - some councils are withholding public services on the grounds of cost. There is a great deal of suffering as a result of their actions.
Ivan and Charika Corea
I have a son who was diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder (PDD). I created a personal website about him so that I can share his story with others.
We are an Autism Support Web Site dedicated to bringing as much information on autism and the effect it has on us all.
A teacher's aide in my son's class grabbed my elbow and escorted me to my car on a pretext. 'I could lose my job for telling you this, 'she whispered, near tears, 'but don't bring him back here!'
Laurie Morrow
Although a major characteristic of autism is the need for sameness, a day does not go by that Nikki does not do or say something new that makes us stop and think about how special her perspective on her surroundings is. She's a little girl who loves Christmas but couldn't care less about gifts. It's the lights, the decorations and the warmth that she feels in the house that make her so happy. One year it took until June for her to open the last of her Christmas presents. As a family, we have chosen to appreciate that gift and live our lives, thankful every day for an autistic child to be part of our lives. We have made the conscious decision that we would not let autism slow us down, but rather allow it to make the ride of life more rewarding.
Chris Collins, Asbury Park Press
At first as the news of my son having a "disability" and the daunting fact I didn't quite know what Autism really was... saw me pacing the room fearing as any parent would for his future quality of life, a life I had helped provide for him.... Having a hunger for knowledge surpassed only by my wifes magnificent Sunday roast (mmmmm) and a good handle... on surfing this immense sea of knowledge (internet) has shown me Autism to be a gift rather than a disability !
This blog will tell the story of our life with sweet M. --- and the medical, psychiatric, therapeutic, educational, and legal worlds that have shaped our life with her.
Our own daughter's story of recovery, pages on medical interventions, ongoing research, diet, therapies, ideas on medical insurance, commonly used medications and nutritional supplements, humor, and many helpful links.
Stan Rodrigues, Becky Rodrigues
I am the parent of an autistic child named Jamie. I began a free information service in 1995 to raise awareness and promote research into this condition.
Liz Lucy
We live somewhere in Maryland. We have two wonderful sons, Brent and Vincent. This site is somewhat like a photo-album, in several parts:
Welcome to our page on Asperger's Syndrome. Both of my boys, my oldest Barry and my middle son Devon, have been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome or AS as it is called.
Helping other parents of autistic children to benefit from our experience.
J. Chann
I am CEO of Garfield Images and that's not bad for a two year old. Just goes to show, we cats can do ANYTHING.
Alexandra Kazan
My favourite kind of music is Christmas music and I like it to be played in our house all year long.
en is living with three other young men within comparable age range who are also autistic and mentally retarded in a single family house. The house is owned and managed by Meridian Services, Inc. Meridian provides the day-to-day services to Ben and other residents under a contract from Hennepin County-Developmental Disabilities Unit.
John Smith
We as parents cannot begin to tell you how many hoops and hurdles we have jumped to get to where we are now. While everybody does his/her best to meet Ben's needs, we find that at times, it becomes more than a daunting task.
Jake Smith
Support and Information on Autism Spectrum Disorders, Fetal Valproate Syndrome, Petit Mal (Absence) Seizures, and Special Education
Tamara Sharp
At age three he can pick all 50 states on a U.S. map and ring a regulation height basketball goal. My theory: Boone doesn't realize he's not supposed to do things like this.
It's all about me! (he he) And... it also serves as a resource for parents who are looking for answers just like my mom did.
You will see how Bradley has changed from a frustrated, angry child who could not communicate with others, to a happy child who is progressing well, adapting to his disability and is now in mainstream education.
Lisa Devlin, Tracey Stephens
Our children's lives are not going to be easy and neither will ours. The only promise we can make them is that we will always be by their sides advocating for services and their rights, while always continuing to (ask) 'why' and 'how can I help?'
Linda Newland
People with autism are among the most vulnerable and marginalized of human beings, and often their families with them. A society, to be truly human, must be founded on welcome and respect for those who are weak and too often rejected.
According to my son Yusuf, a cell phone that takes pictures is a "Cheese-a-Phone!." He came to that conclusion when his sister, Sarah, took his picture with a camera phone and told him to say "cheese!" Yusuf and his younger brother, Ridwan, are both autistic. This is a site about my kids and autism, how autism affects my two boys and their not autistic sister.
Features artwork from the site proprietor's autistic son.
A Boy's Journey through Life with a Hidden Handicap. This open letter to family, friends, and visitors is a chronicle of my experience raising a high-functioning autistic child.
When Cajer was a few months old I'd lovingly dubbed him 'Planet Boy,' not yet seeing there was anything really out of the ordinary about him.
Offering Stories of Recovery; Southern California Resources; General, Comprehensive, and Parent Information;
When David sent his parents a print-out of information about Asperger's from the AANE website, their reaction was 'Ohmigod, David, this is dead on. Your picture should be up here!'
Debra Cash
David has added much joy to our lives and has brought our family closer together and every day we become a little stronger. We truly are Blessed!
Linda Kemper
I am married and mother of a 6 year old boy named Noah who is on the autistic spectrum and has sensory integration issues. I decided to write this blog in letter form to him to "vent" and to provide him with a diary of what happens in his life as he grows up. It may also serve as a means to provide encouragement or a hope to others in similar situations.
If 1 in 250 American Children were being kidnapped We'd have a national emergency. We do. It's called Autism.
Joyce Ninness
Erika is autistic. Mildly, to be specific, which does not really provide any relief except for the fact that it could have been worse. This is the paradox because Erika in all other ways came in according to specification.
How to begin? In bewilderment, I think �that's the truest way. That's where we began, all those years ago. That's where everyone begins who has to do with autistic children. And even now, when my daughter is past forty...
Clara Claiborne Park
'Andrew wants to be by himself.' Or so it was thought for many years. His autism had isolated him and it was assumed that he did not care much for people and that he preferred his own company.
In �Making Peace with Autism: One Family's Story of Struggle, Discovery, and Unexpected Gifts,� Susan Senator describes her journey of raising a child with a severe autism spectrum disorder, along with two other boys. Senator offers valuable strategies for coping successfully with the daily struggles of life with an autistic child. Senator was invited on "Weekend Today" to discuss her story. Here's an excerpt.
I frequently use some phrases. Some are more colorful than others. One of the phrases lately comes from a song. The phrase is: my place in this world. You see having a child with a disability changes your thinking. You understand with certainty that you and this child may not share the same goals. Things parents dream of for their children may not be possible. Sometimes these dreams just aren't the same and really don't become the child's own desires...
Big White Hat
I spent my 20s scrapping like a street fighter... Then, one day, I realized our work was mostly done. By the age of 12, my older son was back -- not "typical," in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders sense, but quirky and funny and quiet and odd. He could stretch his hand out and stay so still, a butterfly would land on it and quiver there for a moment before flying away. He struggled with reading and daily conversation but excelled at math, music and chess. It was time for us to let him become who he was and go back to our own lives, which the children did with great grace.
Ann Bauer
Karen Siff spent 2-1/2 years implementing an intensive behavioral intervention technique known as ABA with her son Jake, who was diagnosed with PDD when he was two. She wrote a first-person account of her experience for
Karen Siff
Through this process we have experienced feelings of guilt, anger, frustration, confusion, grief and failure just to name a few. This section is an attempt to share with others our experience.
From Autism to All-Star is the long and challenging journey a family takes to ensure their son has every opportunity to fly without limits. Starting a life that would resemble most children up until age two, follow as Jordan enters his own world, the world of Autism, and reemerges to share life with those who love him and have endured with him.
At the end of the morning, what I shared with the mothers there was what I had seen. They had been forced to look at their priorities. They know what is meaningful in life. They also live in the moment!
Bobbie Donahue
In Funny Wiring, I have recounted my personal experience in living and working with a child with autism from diagnosis through adolescence up to adulthood. (Book promotion site.)
Gail Buckley
I want to tell you about me and about Autism. For now you can check out my journal to see what I have been doing, or you can go see my mommies page about Autism and Developmental Delays.
Jenny Webster
The day Jimmy was diagnosed with autism I foresaw my little boy grown up, 40 or 50 years old, locked in a state hospital, being beaten by a minimum-wage untrained aide, unable to defend himself or to tell anyone what was happening. I thought: I will kill Jimmy and myself. He has no future, and neither do I.
Catherine Johnson
My mum has set up this site to hopefully reach out to people who desperately need some advice on how to deal with specific issues, without the technical jargon that can go along with dealing with a child on the spectrum.
Corrie Williams
My parents have been looking for ways to get Logan the help medically that he needs, but right now we are living in a very small city that doesn't have a lot of resources available to families like ours, with a disabled child.
I've felt an intense conviction from the get-go that he would improve immensely and this journey will have a positive outcome.
Robin Baraybar,
The purpose of this page is just to present our own experiences and to help educate others about what it can be like to run a full scale ABA program.
Antonia Christopher
Our children have accomplished things we would have never thought possible. They set their own goals and nagged us until we finally agreed to help them.
Pat Cowley
It took Lady Astor many years to come to terms with her daughter's condition. But now, she tells Cassandra Jardine, it has changed her view of parenthood.
UK Telegraph
My aim is to give valuable and constructive advice to parents who think their child is showing signs of differentness in comparison to other children.
In retrospect it's easy to look at the signs and see what was going on, but at the time nothing was clear. Jamie was not so different from his peers really, at least not to the eyes of first-time parents with no significant experience of children.
Alice Woolley
The method itself is intrusive because you constantly have therapists in your home and in and out of therapy we are addressing problem areas. But having a child with autism is much more intrusive than any therapy.
I sit here surrounded by notes, files, diaries and photographs of my special little boy, but in order for me to compose Jack's page the way I would like to, the information I require can not be found on pieces of paper. It comes from within.
Jill Swingler
As he plays the strategy game or concentration it is clear that his cognitive abilities are intact and that, today, he is functioning at a high level without language.
Elayne Schulman
I wonder to myself why god has given me this angel and all I have to do is just look at him and I can see the world in his face.
Author of Mystery of a Special Kid, You Are Special Too, Set for Gold - Strategies for life, and Your Special Gift
Josie Santomauro
This is a page created to help all those families out there who are living with or who are involved in some way with individuals with Autism.
Nancy Vander Veer
I haven't told my son anything about autism... but if our society remains as prejudiced as it is today, and the "autism awareness" efforts continue, my son will need to know about the discrimination he will face. I'm dreading the day when I can no longer put off having that conversation with him, in which I explain that even if he is an honor student, an ambitious achiever, and a caring and ethical and contributing member of the community, it still won't matter what he accomplishes, there will be many who will see him as mentally defective and who will treat him as a second-class citizen. There will be interviewers who will reject him for jobs, regardless of his qualifications, just because his voice and body language are different. There will be women who won't date him because they don't want to be involved with an autistic man. There will be neighbors and co-workers who will fear and shun him.
Supporting Oregon families of children with autism. Features an extensive collection of resource on ABA.
Kathy Harris, Calvin Harris
Kearney is a charming 6 year old who has a diagnosis of Autism. This page was created to help increase Autism awareness and share our personal experience. It is not a recovery story.
I started this page because my son, Brandon, has autism and epilepsy. Brandon was first diagnosed with autism and epilepsy when he was 2 years old.
I am 7 years old, and I am autistic, so that means my Dad is writing my page for me (for now at least).
Includes "Autism: Charlie's Book," some pages from my book about Charlie and our life with autism; and "An Unexpected Childhood: Autism and a perfect child".
Kristina Chew
This site is dedicated to Kyle who taught us anything is possible. It contains Kyle's journey through Autism. We attribute his success to glyconutrient supplements, a strict gluten free, casein free, soy free, corn free, and sugar free diet.
Kristy M. Bergo
Everything I put in my home is a part of the last Decade of discovery on the Autism Spectrum. The drive for the info on Autism is personal and universal to us all.
Autism etiquette demands that you never quite look your companion in the eye; that you be unpredictable but demand predictability; and that you never be the first one to say hello.
I really love movies, sing alongs, and certain TV shows. My favorite movies are The Brave Little Toaster and Fantasia. My favorite game show is Wheel of Fortune. Currently my favorite show is Blues Clues. My current favorite movie is Tarzan.
I'm married with 2 kids (soon to be 3 in June). My middle child, Megan is classically autistic (Kanners autism) and so the blog serves a dual purpose. Firstly it allows me to voice my thoughts on autism in general (we're anti-cure, pro-intervention in my family) and how Megan is developing in particular. My greatest wish for all my kids is that they grow up to be happy with a strong sense of who they are hence we believe it is society who must change to accomodate autism in the same way that society has changed to frown upon homophobia, racism and sexism. All it takes is a little bit of curiosity and a little less assumption and we can start to see autism less as a problem to solve and more of a difference to include.
Kevin Leitch
No one else in the whole world will understand how much work you put in, just trying to keep some sort of stability in your home, but maybe a professional who specializes in this area may help a little.
I was at playgroup with my son. Playgroup really means Moms sitting around trying to talk while the babies cling and cry and crawl around. Every baby was doing just that -- crying or clinging. Except mine. Picture of a child sitting among toys. I will never forget what my friend said:"Oh, you're so lucky. Look how happy he is over there in the corner, lining up the matchbox cars." Tiny cars -- red, yellow, blue -- all in a row. No v-r-o-o-m, v-r-o-om noises. And so it began, unbeknownst to me at the time, a life with a neurologically impaired child.
Hedy Lopes
I stopped years ago trying to either blame someone or something for him being autistic, or waiting for the next miracle cure. Let's just deal with the deck we have been given...
Gina Riva
Autism the boy is Alex Bain. Autism is happy and sad. I like Autism. Autism makes me different from my friends. That's OK.
Janet Norman-Bain
A story of two daughters
Alison Miller
Would I change him? No, not for the world, he is compassionate, and has an affinity with news and events around him, and around the world that surprises me in one so young.
I decided to make this site and use it as somewhere to tell my family's story of the ups and the downs of living with Asperger's Syndrome in the family.
I feel very proud of my clever daughter. I know that with the right care and input she can achieve so much. I am sure she will be learning for many years to come, but then so will I.
Hugh Bowring, Norwich Evening News
People need to learn, that there ARE people who think different, act different, understand different.... well are different, but that does not mean that they are of a worse quality then the rest, often in fact better.
Sanna Vifell
LAST week it was my son's 13th birthday. We'd barely finished breakfast but he was already on the back lawn, punting a new football back and forth while keeping up a lively running commentary on his imaginary match. And at the weekend, he will host his football party at the local five-a-side club. No different from any other 13-year-old boy, you might think. Except that all this would have been unthinkable six years ago. Ball skills of any kind were beyond him, he was having problems completing or even starting tasks at school and had great difficulty relating to his peer group.
Mairiona McInally-Kier
I created this site to share what I have learned over the years, especially about the early intervention program we ran for him. The program gave us a positive and effective way to teach him how to communicate, how to relate socially, and how to learn.
Site of a family with four autistic sons and one daughter.
Small family website of a family with one son with autism.
Mark Painter
We still assess an autistic child in terms of educational handicap, and fail to recognise him as the differently-wired being he really is.
Charlotte Moore, The Guardian (UK)
I am a mother of an Autistic daughter I have been known as a mom on a mission for over 3yrs now. I think autism is like a big train on a track that we are on we keep going around and circles and adding more and more children to it.
TJ has started school, he's now in the third grade. He will be going to a different school since he is still in special education but he will actually still have the same teacher which is nice. He loves school so this is a blessing.
Overall it is amazing at how far Shawna has came, from birth to now. Remembering the first two years, they seem in many ways quite a ways away. When she advances, sometimes she really takes off. The saying of growing in leaps and bounds comes to mind.
Ray Kopp
He is easily confused by directions, such as Go across the room, because his mind can't process the word across - in his mind, he visualizes a cross, and the command doesn't make sense to him.
Often times I get accused of spoiling Andy. They don't always come right out and say 'spoil.' Sometimes it gets masked in such comments as 'Andy is lucky to have you as a Mom' or 'of course, you probably already have this for Andy.'
This website is about my son Michael in an effort to illustrate to others that autism is not such a nasty word after all. Some beautiful things can come of it. I do not want Autism to be 'cured' but understood. Understanding is the key to all differences and until that concept is realized and celebrated, autism will continue to sound like a death knoll to a parent, when in reality, it is the door to what the human mind is capable of being.
Veronica Mowery
Finding out your child has autism is like the end of a love affair and the start of a new, lifelong, really beautiful relationship. Hope you'll tune in often for the latest episodes of The Autism Reality Show starring 8-year-old Charlie.
Kristina Chew
Our family recently received the diagnosis that our three-year old son Cort has Autism. This page is a summary of treatments we have been undertaking to help him.
Grant and Ashley Dalgliesh
Edward has helped me understand which battles in parenting and professional life are important and which are futile. As a result, I have become a more thoughtful parent, and perhaps a more thoughtful person.
Ron Henricksen
What Kind of Mind is This? My thoughts on life with autism, through literature, philosophy, and learning to look at the world through Adam's transparent coloured blocks...
For all of my differences, I am a happy boy. I love to play and laugh like the other kids. I love, I laugh, I hurt, and I cry. So maybe I'm not so different after all.
Jeremiah Musser
I have 2 beautiful autistic boys (ages 4 and 8) who are my life. I've been happily married for 10 wonderful years to my other half named Mike. I discovered I had Asperger's Syndrome shortly after my first son was diagnosed autistic.
The trouble with today's ways of making autism better is that they are meager. That is, today's ways have a high price in time, work, money and danger but they give back only a small profit in changed behavior of the autistic person.
Ken Fabian
So how does he feel about having a label? 'A label? Ooh. I don't mind, it's unlikely to damage my reputation.'
Marina Baker
The only sort of autism awareness that I want to see from the media is an awareness that they are talking about human beings. But it looks as if I'll have to wait a long time before I see any of that.
Let me introduce myself as the proud mother of Niranjan, now 15 years old, who has overcome most of his initial disabilities and features of autism.
Ramamani Ravi
Situations arise where Oliver's behaviour can draw attention. We find ourselves explaining about Oliver and his autism. As an unobtrusive means of explanation and a strategy to avoid verbal repetition, we produced an information leaflet/guide.
Stephen Peace, Tanya Peace
My name is Lisa and I'm a 37 year old mother of 10 yr old boy/girl twins. Unfortunately I'm just one of an alarming number of mothers of an autistic child in this small Texas town.
I honestly believe that our children have a much harder time because schools have no disciplinary measures for children with these problems. there is no consequences at the school. and any thing we do at home is already to late to be effective.
This is my personal home page about my son who has AS. I am very grateful for all the wonderful support and assistance from my many online and offline friends, who have helped our family piece the puzzle together, thank you all!
Sally Dexter
Family site by parents of Alexander, aka Xander, born with hypotonia, sensory dysfunction, and autism.
My pet peeves are: People who refuse to understand how Autism affects me. If I had one wish it would be: To be able to communicate my desires and needs just a little bit easier.
Samantha Guggemos
Dominique is a beautiful child. She's smiling at the camera. I like to think that the woman who never gave up was standing behind it, still talking to her beloved child, when she snapped the Polaroid.
Odds Bodkin
My daughter has had some trying times in her life, but is in a good place now. I'm glad to say that she has come a really long way and has grown up a lot.
Martha Guevara
Our site is to introduce you to our two preemie sons, Jeremy and Cameron.
I am hard-pressed to agree with the DSM's characterization of autism as a disorder, a defect, something that must be handled agressively, with early intervention. This is the same book, after all, that until the 70's told us that homosexuality was a mental illness that also needed to be handled agressively, with early intervention.
Shari Nettles
General information site.
This page is devoted to my eldest child Matthew who has autism syndrome. The purpose is to share our experiences with others and to share my inclusion classroom.
Mona Fields
My eight year old son is autistic. Ever since his diagnosis I have searched for information about autism. More recently my search came to the internet. I have compiled a fairly large amount of articles, letters and links about the subject.
Eileen has learned to put a light-hearted spin on some of her son's disabilities. She calls them "wackies," indiscriminant words or motions that upset him. For a while, Bobby refused to make right turns. "We would turn left and left and left," Eileen joked.
Meredith Bonny, Times Dispatch
I'm just an ordinary toddler, I just don't like to talk. Doctors have said that I am Autistic, and they don't know how I'll get on in the next few years.
Steve Hanks, Jane Hanks
We have made this page because we would like to tell other families about our son Anders, who has the diagnosis - autism. Our Homepage is called The Reden Homepage because our old house was called Reden. (Reden means the nest in Danish.)
YOU are the child I want. YOU are the child I love with every fibre of my being. YOU are the moon and the stars to me and there is not a thing in heaven or hell that will ever change that. But sometimes, sometimes I wish it wasn't so complicated�
In an attempt to bring more information to those who work and live with people with ASD's I have arranged conferences and become the UK distributor for THE MORNING NEWS.
Now that both Lilltut and we got the tools..... we are going against a better future then we thought :)
Sanna Vifell
This is a snapshot of a typical morning with my son at age seven, before he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, an autism spectrum disorder. Without a diagnosis, I had no idea why we were going through what we were.
Leslie Bonner
General information and links
The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher regard those who think alike than those who think differently. -- Nietzsche
Shannon Ahern Ikeda
It is my philosophy that with greater responsibility also come greater rewards. My reward comes daily when my son shows how much he loves me even though he is nonverbal and has very little ability when it comes to the norms in communication.
With 3 children in the autism spectrum, I feel that God has given me a purpose. I am hoping to expand our 'in-home' autism center in the future.
Sharon Smith
Children with NVLD are vulnerable. They are very trusting. It would never occur to these children to lie. They don't anticipate consequences, which you really have to in order to lie. This makes them targets of all sorts of people.
Bethany Stancliff
Special needs family fun offers a wide variety of family fun and disability resources for families with disabilities and special needs.
Treating Spencer's colitis has brought tremendous gains to Spencer and the entire family unit as a whole. Though Spencer is not 'recovered' he continues to make gains in his road to recovery
I've seen it countless times in the halls of the mall, in grocery stores and restaurants. I will notice a child who seems a little bit different. Perhaps he's spinning in circles or avoiding eye contact, flapping his hands or repeating phrases from a movie. Right away, I'll sneak a glance at the mom, recognizing her, even though we've never met.
Fredericksburg Freelance Star
This site is for people who want information and thoughts on autism, parenting, and living well in spite of great obstacles. My book, Making Peace with Autism: One Family's Story of Struggle, Discovery, and Unexpected Gifts, will be published this September by Trumpeter Books, an imprint of Shambhala. My book is about how we have learned to be a family in spite of autism, moving beyond grief in the face of acute challenge.
Tabitha is our 14 year old daughter (January girl) who was born with Turners Syndrome and at 18 months old was diagnosed with Autism and developmentally delayed. We will continue to be ever learning and trying to be of service to others in years to come.
Memorial to a beloved sister.
When A.J. was little, he had pale blonde hair and brown eyes. My mother-in-law would say 'He looks like cousin Paul.' My mother would say 'His facial expressions are like your dad.' A family friend would smile and say 'He looks like A.J.'
Jeane Wharton
As long as the public believes complex human behavior can be reduced to materialistic formulas called syndromes, we will remain vulnerable to a psychology industry competing for a vanishing market.
Berthajane Vandegrift
On life with Tiger.
Echotig and Bigwhitehat
Prayer for Parents and Others Caring for Those with Autism. Pages on Military Parents of Autistic Kids; Poems and Books About Autism
This is my family, The little one is Lillian. She is bright and beautiful. She is also Autistic
Here was a child who was JUST starting to say three word phrases READING all sorts of things. By the end of the evening we had a list of over thirty words/ phrases that she could read.
Donna Randell
I have been in Holland for just over 10 years now and I am becoming so familiar with it that I have decided to construct my own tourist information site to help other parents who have suddenly found themselves in Holland, too.
Janet Lawrence
My attitude about my son is that he isn't defective - he's just different. Wesley learns and copes differently. And the key for us has been focusing on his education and acceptance.
Janet Aylward
After a long day of dealing with Jay, dealing with scratching and screeching, I want you to see him on my lap with his sippy cup, smiling and looking into my eyes. Do I dare fall more deeply and tragically in love with him? Yes.
Total immersion into the (ABA) system is the most effective way of implementing a home program. It has changed and affected us all from the moment we wake to the moment we sleep. Has it been worth it? Without hesitation I say YES!
Family site.
In this weekly journal, I will be discussing my experiences for the week dealing with autism and providing some helpful links to other sites that provide more medical and scientific facts about this most disabling condition.
Floyd Tilton

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