Nonverbal Communicaton

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I propose that we try to teach them body language and tone as well as their scripts. An actor has to be intentional about how his body looks and his voice sounds. That is just the ticket for an Asberger's child. And the theater gives you scripts.
If the social processing deficit of children with ADHD is at the encoding stage, treatment should emphasize attending to the appropriate cues. (JAACAP)
Eric Benjamin Cadesky
Instruction begins with learning to read the body talk of other individuals by looking at pictures, videos, clips from TV shows, or live observations and progresses to learning to speak this language.
Julie Donnelly
Home of the Nonverbal Dictionary©
...gaze aversion, like other commonly held stereotypes about liars, isn't correlated with lying at all... Some suspects looked away more while lying than while telling the truth, and others increased their degree of eye contact, for example
Carrie Lock, Science News Online
Research has shown that even agents from the FBI, CIA and Drug Enforcement Agency don't do much better than chance in telling liars from truth-tellers.
Rachel Adelson
Autistics' compassion is based on information gained empirically (empirical data). Therefore it is likely that the autistic may have compassion even where there is no coincidental body language to go with the event.
Stan P.
A Cambridge University team of psychologists have just completed a two-year project working closely with a London multi-media production company, Red Green and Blue Co, to produce the world's first electronic encyclopaedia of emotion.
Simon Baron-Cohen et al
Goal: To appreciate the extent to which nonverbal behaviors convey messages; to identify common nonverbal codes and explore ways to use them more effectively during communication.
Sarah Trenholm
On-Line Test of Ability to read nonverbal cues
Our software helps people with Asperger's syndrome, high-functioning autism, and similar issues learn to recognize facial expressions.
Mind Reading is a unique reference work covering the entire spectrum of human emotions. Using the software you can explore over 400 emotions, seeing and hearing each one performed by six different people.
Simon Baron Cohen
General information site.
By the influence of Confucius' philosophical thinking, the Chinese have become more reserved or at least the gestures expressing emotions are comparatively less expressive.
Mu Zhiling, Li Guanhui
On facial expression, gaze, posture and proximity, gestures, and physical appearance. 'Although gaze avoidance deprives us of valuable information about how others respond, this may be normative in some cultures and in certain situations.'
Avash Piya
A person trying to hide their deception is likely to concentrate mostly on their face. Thus they will look the person they want to deceive in the eye, and try to hide all emotions that they can.
Joey Jensen, Sean Crow
Items in this Dictionary have been researched by anthropologists, archaeologists, biologists, linguists, psychiatrists, psychologists, semioticians, and others who have studied human communication from a scientific point of view.
Nonverbal communication or 'body language' is the process of sending and receiving wordless messages by means of hand-and-finger gestures, body postures, facial expressions and emotional tones of voice.
David Givens
Nonverbal cues are more immediate, instinctive and uncontrolled than verbal expression, bringing genuine attitudes and feelings smack into the open. When a person's words and body language conflict, trust the body. It's always more honest.
Joy Davidson
It is important to try to understand signs of communication that may appear in their multimodal behaviour, which encompasses speech, gesture, gaze, facial expression etc. In this paper, we review some of the literature on autistic non-verbal behaviour.
Ouriel Grynszpan, Jean-Claude Martin, Nicole Oudin
Body language can be as complex to us, as spoken words are in regards to communication...I think we do pick up things, we do somewhat read things, but we may struggle interpreting what the expressed behavior meant.
Sandra Williams
Chances are that in the last week someone has irritated you by standing too close, talking too loud or making eye contact for too long. They have offended you with the high-pitched shrill emanating from the earphones of their iPod or by spreading their legs unnecessarily wide on a packed subway car. But what makes you feel hostile toward "close talkers," as the show "Seinfeld" dubbed people who get within necking distance of you when they speak? Or toward strangers who stand very near to you on line? Or toward people who take the bathroom stall next to yours when every other one is available?
Adam Ash
This experiment is designed to test whether you can spot the difference between a fake smile and a real one. It has 20 questions and should take you 10 minutes. It is based on research by Professor Paul Ekman.
British Broadcasting Corporation
I have been made aware that I often send confusing or "wrong," incongruous body language. I suspect that this occurs because at the automatic, emotional level I never learned the whole code, so I can't automatically conform to it... The positive work-around has been to consciously learn as much of the code as I can. If I am directly paying attention to you, I will probably read your signals correctly, though I may pick up on them more slowly than you would because reading them requires some level of conscious thought for me. But I still don't read people in the periphery of my attention very well, because the sense is conscious rather than automatic. Likewise, if I am paying attention to myself in our conversation, I will probably be sending you something very like the "correct" body language signals -- though they may appear faked to you because I had to think about them. It's an imperfect work-around, but it usually keeps me out of trouble.
Ian Johnson

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