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As a general conclusion, it can be stated that a high proportion of left-handers among sportsmen and sportswomen may be due to the fact that left-handers have an intrinsic neurological advantage over right-handers and not to the nature of the game.
Senol Dane
In some cases poor performing students were allowed to switch hand usage part way through the schooling years and their performance greatly improved.
Throughout history being left-handed was considered as negative - the Latin word sinister meant "left". Hence the many negative connotations associated with the word "left-handed": clumsy, awkward, unlucky, insincere, sinister, malicious, and so on.
In general, you will find that those children who have spiritual tendencies can write with either the left or right hand without trouble, but those children with materialistic tendencies will become addled if they are allowed to write with both hands.
Rudolf Steiner
Left-handedness may have conferred prehistoric man advantages, such as in combat, say the researchers... findings add to the evidence that the evolutionary forces that cause right- and left-handedness are independent of culture.
David Whitehouse
Although the percentage of left-handed people among those over age 60 is lower than in the rest of the population, there is no indication that left-handedness leads to an early demise.
Science Daily
Throughout history being left-handed was considered as negative - the Latin word sinister meant "left". Hence the many negative connotations associated with the word "left-handed": clumsy, awkward, unlucky, insincere, sinister, malicious, and so on. There have been, however, many famous left-handed people, and the associated right brain hemisphere that is said to be more active in left-handed people, has been found in some circumstances to be associated with genius and is correlated with artistic and visual skill.
Left handed people are more skilled with their right hand than right handed people are with their left hand... We think that this is because left handed people have to adapt more often in the society... We can conclude that at least in this respect, left handedness is a privilege.
Jovanka Bestbroer et al
In his day, Leonardo was known as a mancino ("lefty" and "southpaw" are modern-day equivalents), with all the social, cultural, and psychological connotations -- not all positive -- that the word implied in the Renaissance and does even into our own time
Carmen C. Bambach
In the Northern hemisphere you have to face south to follow the sun and move from left to right until the suns sets in the west. This gave moving to the right and the right hand side a great significance.
The significance of the relationship between enuresis and handedness, in conjunction with a review of the literature, indicates that there is a possibility that both conditions may share at least one genetic origin.
Mark A. Murphy
All cultures have been right handed. So it's been natural to place positive value on the right hand or the right side of the body and negative value on the left and you can find that in in virtually all cultures and all languages if it comes to that.
Michael Corballis
Do not despair, you sinister handed. You're obviously very smart. You've had bad press for centuries, but don't let it get you down. You could retire to the little town of Left Hand, West Virginia, which even has its own ZIP code, 25251.
Adrian E. Flatt

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