Learning Disabilities

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People with learning disability have an increased risk of developing a mental disorder. They may have unusual presentations of common mental disorders leading to difficulty in diagnosis and idiosyncratic responses to treatment.
Robert Chaplin, Andrew Flynn
The primary purpose of alternate assessment is to generate information to the public regarding student performance within alternate curriculum domains which can be used for program accountability.
Nebraska Special Education Advisory Council Ad Hoc Committee on Alternate Assessment
In this article a short overview is given of the relationship between autism and learning disability. Autism exists with any level of intelligence, but many individuals with autism suffer also from learning disability. Although both disorders show overlap in some behaviours they are different in many aspects. Are they distinct syndromes which influence each other, or do they belong to a broad spectrum of a condition?
Gregory O�Brien, Joanne Pearson
It is important that parents receive clear and appropriate information and that the child can gain access to materials that explain and allow a better understanding of his or her special problems.
Adrienne Regan
Learning disabilities are caused by a difficulty with the nervous system that affects receiving, processing, or communicating information. They may also run in families.
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Most studies into autistic disorder have concentrated on children. This study aims to establish a prevalence rate of autistic disorders in an adult population with learning disabilities.
Caryl Morgan
Karl Nunkoosing
Key issues which emerge in all four areas include the importance of communication skills, consultation with users and carers, professional education and partnership.
Sheila Hollins
We must fully understand the process of what can cause a child with average levels of motivation to develop into a student with poor self-esteem, maladaptive behaviors, and learned helplessness.
Janet Lawrence
ICDL includes outstanding professionals from different disciplines working with children and families where there are developmental and/or learning problems, and seeks to improve the identification, prevention and treatment of such disorders.
Findings are discussed in terms of the need to take note of the heterogeneity of the learning disabled population and the particular vulnerability to social imperception of children with nonverbal deficits.
L. Dimitrovsky, Spector, R. Levy-Shiff, Vakil
Interactive guide to learning disabilities for parents, teachers and children.
Inspired by Deaf Pride, this site has been developed as an interactive community resource for adults with invisible disabilities (ID) such as learning disabilities (LD), mental illness, Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder and other neurological disorders.
Learning disabilities are disorders that affect the ability to understand or use spoken or written language, do mathematical calculations, coordinate movements, or direct attention.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders
Seeks to advance the education and general welfare of children and adults of normal or potentially normal intelligence who manifest disabilities of a perceptual, conceptual, or coordinative nature.
LD is a neurobiological disorder in which a person's brain works or is structured differently. These differences interfere with a person's ability to think, remember, speak, listen, read, write, spell, reason, recall, organize information, and do math.
Profiles a variety of learning problems and expert opinions. It is designed to give parents and teachers a better understanding of learning processes, insights into difficulties, and strategies for responding.
To call a child learning disabled is to put the burden of responsibility on the wrong person! It is our responsibility to teach much more than it is the responsibility of the child to learn. It is we who should be called teaching disabled.
Robert Zenhausern
Aims to increase the understanding and awareness of the issues associated with Learning Disabilities, particularly the differences in philosophy, practices and terminology favoured by the various education sectors.
Anna Mungovan, Trevor Allan, Hazel England, Julie Hollitt
LDs are heterogeneous; result in difficulties in acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, and/or mathematical skills; are intrinsic to the individual; may occur with other disabilities; are not caused by extrinsic influence
National Joint Committee on Learning Disabilities
Physicians provide a critical link to services and thus have both the opportunity and obligation to address developmental, behavioral, and emotional status in their patients and guide families toward appropriate evaluation and intervention.
Laura Bailet
Problems of language comprehension and expression have always been included as identifying characteristics of a learning disability. In fact, many argue that a language disorder is at the core of learning disabilities.
Frank R. Brown, Elizabeth Aylward, Barbara Keogh
Do any of your children or students have problems learning? Do they exhibit a number of the following behaviors?
Marie Di Matties, Norma Quirk
Tools for learning, especially for people who learn differently or who have learning difficulties or specific learning disabilities.
Providing LD information and resources to parents since 1988.
In order for individuals with learning disabilities to learn these skills, they must have be taught them through the use of a specialized instructional sequence that focuses on social performance.
Jean Schumaker, Donald Deshler
These questions are those that are particularly germane to the formulation and explication of the NLD syndrome and model.
Byron Rourke
Hypothesis 1: Socioemotional Disturbance Causes Learning Disabilities; Hypothesis 2: Learning Disabilities Cause Socioemotional Disturbance
Byron Rourke
Not all children learn the same way. But all children can learn. We must help our teachers receive the training they need to teach in multisensory methods that reach all children.
Judy Bonnell
The goal of the medical professional involved in the care of a child with learning disabilities is to attempt to identify which areas of the brain are dysfunctional and to suggest a specific educational intervention based on that knowledge.
Roberto Tuchman
From Gerry Lewin's homepage
My hypothesis is that the 'abnormal' condition known as Asperger's syndrome is remarkably similar to the 'normal' functioning of an engineer's mind.
Brian R. Hughes
Slide presentation

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