Autism Resources & News: Europe

See also:    National Organizations

Internet Resources

In French
European association whose main objective is to advance the rights of people with autism and their families and help improve their lives.
In further examinations, the number of Asperger children and adolescents will increase considerably.
M. Kielinen, S.L. Linna, I. Moilanen
In many countries of the world, organizations have not yet been formed. Therefore, we have also included the names of individual contacts who may be able to provide names and addresses of services in countries where organizations have not yet started.
The Unit was started in 1982 with 2 main aims: to provide a basis for research into the possible causes of autism; and to provide an accessible store of traditional and current research information on autism.
Seeks to improve the status of autistic persons and their families, and general awareness and comprehension of the problem among parents, professionals and whole Society.
L'objectif d'Autisme Alsace ? Être là où les choses se passent chaque fois qu'il est question d'autisme. avec les autistes, chaque fois que faire se peut.
Notre but est de soutenir et d'informer les personnes autistes et leurs familles, de les orienter vers des professionnels spécifiquement formés pour effectuer un diagnostic, une évaluation et proposer un programme.
Au Luxembourg, notre association a pour but d'assister les personnes atteintes d'autisme, dans les domaines du logement, du travail et des loisirs. Autisme Luxembourg est gestionnaire de 2 structures.
In Flemish
Autismeforeningen i Norge er en sammenslutning av mennesker med diagnose innen autismespekteret, foreldre og andre pårørende samt andre interesserte.
Guida pratica per genitori, e non solo. Un manuale per non perdersi nel labirintico mondo dell'autismo.
About the grave lack of respect for basic human rights of people with mental health disorders or developmental disabilities in Bulgaria. Basic rights are systematically violated in psychiatric hospitals and residential care.
Amnesty International
Una entidad benéfico-social de ámbito estatal sin fines lucrativos
Defends the rights and interests of people with intellectual disability, their families and their organisations in the European Union and other European countries.
Dobro was founded in 1989. Our organisation is a non-profit-making charity. Most of our money comes in the form of grants or donations from other organisations. We try to supply parents with information. We have published 15 books and many articles in newspapers and journals. Sometimes, we appear on television and radio, but not so often. We also have a small group of students who work here. It's very small now - 12 students - and we have three or four consultations a week with parents of children with autism in Moscow and from other parts of Russia.
Adam Feinstein
Autism Denmark was founded in 1962. Its purposes are to contribute to the best possible conditions for treatment of autistic children/adults, and to pass on knowledge to the homes affected by autism.
On explore aujourd'hui les anomalies cérébrales associées à l'autisme. Si les personnes atteintes semblent incurables, leur vie peut être améliorée.
Uta Frith
Natverket Asperger/HFA ar en kontaktgrupp pa Internet for vuxna med Asperger syndrom (AS) och hogfungerande autism (HFA).
Voor mensen met een aandoening uit het spectrum van autistische stoornissen (NVA).
The 'Osservatorio Autismo' has been run as a psychiatric epidemiology unit attached to a child mental health clinic. Unexpected NHS changes interfered with the data collection during the second year, both in negative and positive ways.
In German
Aversive treatment is under seige at Poland's autism centers thanks to a dedicated group of mothers and professionals seeking humane treatment for autistic children.
Children Injured by Restraint and Aversives
This therapy is structured in such a way as to cover all domains of perception, to respect the different developmental stages of children, to stimulate and stabilise the ability of contact as well as establish the fundaments of communication.
Hans-Christoph Steinhausen, director of the department for child psychiatry at Zurich University... found that the public is not well informed [about autism] and parents are not getting sufficient assistance.
In Swedish
Sésame Autisme est une association de familles au service des personnes autistes.
Offers early intensive behavioural intervention for children with delayed development disorders, such as Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, Down's Syndrome and mental retardation.

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