Autism Blogs

See also:    Autism-Vaccine Controversy    Autobiography

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ACTION FOR AUTISM is a reaction against names like Action Against Autism and Defeat Autism Now! Names like these suggest to autistic people that we are against them as people. You may not mean that. But if you care about autism you ought to care about the feelings of autistic people and not use language that makes them angry or upset. If you disregard the feelings of autistic people do not be surprised if you are disregarded.
Mike Stanton
In March of 2004 we got confirmation that our beautiful two year old son, Chandler, was autistic. So we have set off on a new journey. Come along for the ride, won't you?
Mostly ramblings about my son's autism and how we are grappling with that via ABA therapy, the DAN protocol, etc.
Squid D'Artagnan Rosenberg
I'm writing this site primarily as a personal outlet for my thoughts and ideas. Hopefully it will lead to dialogue with others and provide some assistance to others that live 'along the spectrum'. I get a lot of positive support from sharing experiences with other parents of children on the spectrum. I'm hoping this will lead to similar moments for both the author and the readers.
An "insect psychologist" examines human behaviour, education, and disability rights, from personal and social theory perspectives and points inbetween.
Woman, thirty-something, tells about life with autism. Recently diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. Enjoying Life.
Aspie Bird
I propose that we try to teach them body language and tone as well as their scripts. An actor has to be intentional about how his body looks and his voice sounds. That is just the ticket for an Asberger's child. And the theater gives you scripts.
News and views about Asperger Syndrome.
All three of us have Asperger's. Our son is almost 5. This is about us.
Aspie Dad
Living with Asperger Syndrome
Autiemom Speaks Out was created as place to put my essays on autism, parenting, and "parenting while autistic." As a self-diagnosed Aspie raising two autistic children and one neurotypical child, my focus these days has been on the peculiar challenges and joys of autistic parents raising autistic children. There are wonderful autism self-advocacy sites with a deemphasis on parenting, and there are thousands of curbie sites for parents, but there is next to nothing out there specifically for autieparents, from what I have found. I guess you could call me an autiemom on a mission.
Lisa Jean Collins
This is my blog where I let it all hang- I am emotional, I am moody, I am opinionated, I am reflective, I am snarky, I am pensive, I am crazy, I am a hypochondriac, I am not a professional writer so don't get your panties in a wad when the spelling is off and the grammer sucks. I write whateverthefuck I want to write and what you see is what you get. So sit back, grab a drink and welcome to my insanity.
The trials, tribulations, success and happiness of a family who happen to be raising a child with a diagnosis of autism.
What's good, and what's not good, in the world of autism treatment and research? What is good and bad in media coverage of autism and the lives of autistics? Autism Diva rates it.
There are plenty of websites and organizations that offer very good information on autism spectrum disorders. Many even offer excellent suggestions on how you can help, learn more, or simply "cope". What you won't necessarily find in those websites however, is the perspective of a skeptical dad's take on it all. This blog will focus on the implications of having autism in the family - what helps, what doesn't, the challenges, and the differences, etc. Topics are planned that cover many aspects of family life. Some will be easy discussion and possibly only serve as a gentle reminder or a pat on the back. Others may reveal subjects that are uncomfortable, and a times, utterly upsetting. Keep in mind that the goal is an inside look that provides food for thought, and hopefully, a relatively safe and enjoyable journey.
Dad of Cameron
I'm a complicated man. I have multiple layers to my personality. I'm not schizophrenic or anything but I can be a totally different person from day to day. I was raised in a small farm town (2,000 people) but I don't really fit that stereotype. In fact, most of the people from small towns don't fit that stereotype. No, I can't stand crowds but at the same time I'm open-minded, semi-cultured and pretty non-conservative. I'm of average intelligence and I like to say I know a little about a lot of things and a lot about a few things. Jack of all trades...master of baiting...err, I mean master of none.
Big D
Teacher volunteers to set up home program on Navajo Reservation and reflects on the epidemic of denial.
Tina Giovanni
This blog will tell the story of our life with sweet M. --- and the medical, psychiatric, therapeutic, educational, and legal worlds that have shaped our life with her.
I chose the road less traveled and embarked upon the path of single motherhood. At 44 I gave birth to boy/girl twins who are the joy and focus of my life. We live in a little cabin in the redwoods, near the ocean and two sparkling rivers with our three cats, K'tool, Binx and Kitty. Nearby, in a bungalow by the beach, live my grown children who currently attend college and work.
I know I sound melodramatic but I lye awake some times at night thinking what it would be like to be a non-autistic person? I dont care if I sound melodramatic!
Thoughts, when I remember to write them down. Ballastexistenz is an epithet that was used against people like me in the past, the spirit of which is still unfortunately widespread.
Amanda Baggs
As a scientist and a parent of a child on the spectrum, I wear many hats thoughout the day. I believe the pursuit of understanding the roots of autism and other neurological disorders affecting children to be one of the most important things one might do with their professional and free time. Comments and debate are welcome, abuse is not.
Bartholomew Cubbins
Ribonucleic Acid - it's not just for transferring genetic information between DNA and proteins anymore. This blog will discuss current gossip, news, and major papers within the field. The level of discussion will be quite detailed, yet I hope that non-scientists who are interested in RNA will be able to follow.
Bartholomew Cubbins
Good guys wear white hats. And they never run out of bullets.
I'm in the process of starting up a new organization for people with Asperger's here in Norway. I've discovered that we have to start locally.
Ole Jorgen Malm
Blogging Baby is a blog � an online magazine � about pregnancy, baby care and parenting. We aren't paid to mention specific products. We cover what we think is interesting as parents ourselves.
This will be a chronicle of my journey through IVF and PGD, and toward - I hope - carrying a child to term. This is going to be an angry blog, so please spare me the lectures about my attitude.
I confess to being a skeptic who is concerned about healthcare consumer protection, quackery, healthfraud, chiropractic quackery, and other forms of so-Called "Alternative Medicine" (sCAM). (In English and Danish.)
Paul Lee
WARNING: May challenge and even demolish your pre-conceived notions of Christianity and conservatism... (This blog) is Catholic in the sense explained here and not a diocesan or denominational house-organ. It is liberal in the sense of classical liberalism, or of individual rights and liberality versus modern liberalism: pro-free market. It is conservative in the sense of individual responsibility (of which liberality is a part), small government, minimal spending, the importance of local custom and non-intervention in foreign policy, like the American Old Right before World War II. It is libertarian, having been formed especially since 2001 by the writers and thinkers of It is not pacifist but is anti-war.
John "Serge" Beeler
"Retard" is not a noun!
She had not yet decided whether to use her power for good...or for evil.
Andy is a recent college grad blogging about Asperger's and politics
Andy Sylvia
I am married and mother of a 6 year old boy named Noah who is on the autistic spectrum and has sensory integration issues. I decided to write this blog in letter form to him to "vent" and to provide him with a diary of what happens in his life as he grows up. It may also serve as a means to provide encouragement or a hope to others in similar situations.
I am at the beginning of a new journey. At 42 I am a single mother of two wonderful young adults who have conquered overwhelming odds to become the wonderful people they are. But I did it! They will be living their own lives now, and I'm looking forward to discovering where my life will take me now. I will use this blog to track my progress, and ask guidance from God. Who knows? I may actually get some answers here.
A pediatrician's anonymous kvetches.
Random reminiscing ramblings. Topics may include computing, autism, lingustics, Nihontô, anthropology and anything else that happens to catch my fancy.
Hello and welcome to my humble abode. Whenever a thought comes and stops by I entertain it with drink and refreshment.
Kevin VanDenBreemen
Life, family, autism and home-education
"Lessons from the sustainable factory floor." Blog of an apparel industry pattern-maker.
Kathleen Fasanella
In a world where individuals are all expected to be social, people with AS [Asperger's Syndrome]/HFA [High-Functioning Autism] are seen as disabled. The implication is that if environmental expectations change, or in a different environment, they may not necessarily be seen as disabled. As we have known in relation to other conditions, concepts of disability and handicap are relative to particular environments, both cultural and biological.
Raoul Asperger
A blog committed to the creation, realization, exercizing and fulfillment of social justice, human rights, self-determination and freedom in mental health
Morgan W. Brown
M.S. Zola
Hi. I'm a painter and a mother of three young children, one with a severe disability. This is a journal: riotously disorganized, full of art, food, children and everyday domestic events. Unless you are a friend or family member you may not be interested, but you are welcome to look. Artists who are parents may find some common ground here, as well as parents of children with special needs.
Nancy Bea Miller
Loralíenasa's Journal
In this blog, my main purpose will be to explain the concept of neurodiversity as applied to my own life. I will also capture and re-interpret some of the material on my life purpose that was previously posted at this URL. I will then chronicle progress in my application process for the Kansas Bar and career advancement. This may prove to be a wild ride!
Ian Johnson
I'm a microbiologist and immunologist with an interest in the diseases that affect animals we farm, such as cattle, sheep and deer. For the moment I'm taking some time to start writing a book, working to save some money and then moving on to start a PhD towards the end of the year.
My full name is Laurence Benjamin Arnold FRSA and if my life were ever made into a movie, most of it would not be believed. I am what I say I am, forthright and blunt and that is the way I get things done.
Larry Arnold
These are humble attempts to inject a little sense in discussions of interest, particularly issues surrounding the current epidemic of autism spectrum disorders.
Wade Rankin
Baby blog by the Canadian artist and autistic advocate.
Ralph Smith
The original purpose of this site was to be my online playground; a place to experiment with web stuff, and write about whatever I felt like. Since I found out that I have asperger's there is a second purpose, which is to help other un/misdiagnosed autistic people to finally find out why they are 'different', and to know that they are not alone.
"You must learn to live with others harmoniously." Their response to my complaint about how loud noises prevent me from doing anything mildly intellectual, including reading. Right.
This is a place to leave memories, and to explore what memory leaves.
I teach literature and cultural studies at Penn State University. This site includes links, on the "essays" page, to about seventy of my articles to date, published in academic journals.
Michael Berube
I'm a music student with 3/4 of a flute performance degree completed. I'm also a smartass aspie that gets in trouble for opening her big mouth when it is socially inappropriate to do so (maybe someone should tell me WHY, then I could try to care about "getting it"). Most people think I'm scary smart, and I have yet to figure out WHY.
Blog by a woman with high-functioning autism, VATER association, a powerful love for cats, and a sometimes-overboard belief in disability advocacy.
Denise DeGraf
On raising a son on the autism spectrum, progressive politics, pop culture, and coffee addiction.
Monastic Reflections I hope will be a oddly amusing, somewhat confusing, mostly mundane and occasionally annoying part of your daily routine. My quest is to compress the most words into the smallest ideas possible.
Patti Shepard
Alexander's Daddy
I have a Greater overview, of 'everyday life' in the material world, now, after having many many DreamVisions, where Guides take me at night to experiences places in the Spirit, afterlife, realms! I still have these types of dreams!
Finding out your child has autism is like the end of a love affair and the start of a new, lifelong, really beautiful relationship. Hope you'll tune in often for the latest episodes of The Autism Reality Show starring 8-year-old Charlie.
Kristina Chew
What Kind of Mind is This? My thoughts on life with autism, through literature, philosophy, and learning to look at the world through Adam's transparent coloured blocks...
The autistic perspective on civil rights.
Joel Smith
Matt Barr
Truth: The Universal Solvent
Group blog with lots of news items.
Parenting developmentally disabled children will always be a special challenge. It need not be a nightmare. In addition to meeting the usual parenting challenges, parents of disabled children face a gauntlet of added obstacles that can try the resolve and resources of even the strongest families. But navigating the complex medical, educational, occupational, and social issues can be made easier with the right information.
Peggy Lou Morgan
I am a grumpy old bachelor.
I'm an associate professor of biology at UMM. I created these pages to describe some of my past and current research, and to support my teaching.
P.Z. Myers
A collection of random thoughts from someone who has spent much of their life trying to bring illumination where there is darkness and ignorance. Like Prometheus, the author has found that no good deed ever goes unpunished!
Then there's those of us in the middle who still believe that justice is desirable in our society and would like to see Burton's bill pass, leaving the VICP open to retroactive claims if and when the science is there to support them.
Pre and Post autism,We hold traditional jobs think Autistically and normally ,Autism has been trying to hide us for years. We take the stuff Temple Grandin wrote about miles further. We have COMPLETED the autism experience! We might be related to Image Streamers, (Yahoo group) and people suffering from CAPD.Look for illustrations "copies" our Picture thoughts and X-rays of pain free injuries in this blog
Rich Shull
Notes from my own corner -- or spectral line -- of the autistic spectrum.
Miscellaneous ramblings of a surgeon/scientist on medicine and pseudomedicine, science and pseudoscience, history and pseudohistory, politics (and anything else that interests him).
"Rethinking Autism" is an online presentation I prepared for Dr. François Nielsen's class on Evolutionary Sociology at UNC Chapel Hill. In it I cover the definition and current understanding of autism, as well as introduce and examine what is now known as the Autism Spectrum, including Asperger's disorder. I discuss the increasingly narrow standard of behavior and function regarded as normal, and attempt to re-examine autism through an evolutionary perspective.
Elizabeth Ross
This blog allows me to chronical this with NTs and Aspies alike. The autistic Spectrum is wide and long. Within each band of color the variations are numerous. I am of the color of possessing Asperger's Syndrome. I always knew I was different. I never knew how much and how few people are like me. This story of self discovery will be here as well part of this blog. For some already the terms used in this blog are unfamiliar. Welcome to life on the spectrum.
Joe Mele
Rebalancing, realigning, detoxifying and maintaining the skeptical worldview. An Australian perspective on the retreat from the principles of the Enlightenment. Rather sad and boggy.
Critical thinking for an irrational world.
Furtive greetings from Tornadobait, Mokansahomasas.
David K. March
SquareGirl is the alter ego of a private, goofy, happy and very well loved ABA Consultant and former teacher. SquareGirl is not really a superhero, but more of an antihero�or as she is adored by her neice and nephew, an auntiehero. SquareGirl's weapons of choice are a gnawed on #2 pencil, a wrench in case she needs to throw it into someone's diabolical plan, and kindness. SquareGirls Auntiepowers include a nearly unending vault of children's songs, the strength to throw small children above her head and safely catch them, the inability to tire of Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer cartoon or A Charlie Brown Holiday Special, the ability to quote Dr. Seuss without a moments notice and extremely heightened intuition. Oh, and 20/30 vision. SquareGirl does not use her auntiehero powers to fight crime or evil, but to fight judgement and inequality. SquareGirl's nemesis is The Ego, which she has taken a vow to destroy.
All happy families are not alike...
Susan Senator
Abel PharmBoy is a pseudonymous, independent Ph.D researcher/ educator trained in pharmacology and toxicology, hoping to be a voice of reason and skepticism, but equally open-minded about conventional and folkloric therapeutic agents. I take prescription drugs, I take herbs, I've worked in a pharmaceutical company, I've worked in a university, I've been awarded tenure, I've relinquished get the picture. You'll be the judge of whether I'm objective.
Abel PharmBoy
Kate n.: A high-functioning autistic/Aspie teenager who is also invisibly disabled with cystic fibrosis. She doesn't want autism to be cured, and certainly doesn't believe in the goals of CAN or DAN. A dedicated volunteer at the Placer County SPCA. One who enjoys Balkan music and shares Unitarian Universalist principles. She has a fondness of bizarre games (ex: Killer Bunnies, Snits' Revenge) and perseverates on virtually anything and everything she can find (sequentially of course). One who is lively, but easily annoyed.
On life with Tiger.
Echotig and Bigwhitehat
Well, what can I say? Definitely not your average punter. :-)
Tony Langdon
welcome to the autistic groove... we have the techno...
Dedicated to the equally fascinating topics of autistic advocacy and the 'sisterly sophistries' of radical gender feminism. Other topics may occasionally crop up.
Thoughts and discussion on autism and its impact on individuals and society.
Brett Miller
Now don't just sit there all quiet in a corner rockin' and lookin' like a poster child. Help yourself to a Voice :-) We're offering free blog hosting to any autistic. Sign up here, then e-mail us your login name and let us know you want to blog.
Bienvenue sur le site de Joffrey, jeune autiste, féru de météo.
Joffrey Boissac
When I was a child, in addition to the spinning and button-sorting that led my parents and teachers to have me tested, strenuously and repeatedly, for signs that I wasn't quite neurotypical, I also liked building forts.
Wendy Banks
Welcome to the home page of the Autistic Bitch from Hell. As you've probably guessed from the name, this site is not a circus sideshow for ignorant people's entertainment. You will not find any demeaning psychological jargon here, any self-pitying talk about "symptoms," any charming little tragicomic anecdotes about a bizarre childhood, or any "wrong planet" rubbish. Instead, you will find blunt comments on civil rights, neurodiversity, and consciousness-raising. If you can't deal with that, take a hike.
Autistic Bitch from Hell
Tongues have the intriguing tendency to slip all by themselves, and a blotched echolalia may very well be an original statement.
Rolf-Peter Wille

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